ASES STAR Program Powered by Camp Fire
The Camp Fire program is held Monday thru Friday After School for all students at YORBA MS. Camp Fire offers a Healthy Snacks for all students. The three main components of the program are SPORTS, ACADEMICS, and ENRICHMENT CLUBS. ACADEMICS consists of Silent Reading, Homework Support, and an Extended Activity to support Language Arts and Math. Enrichment Clubs focus on Student Interests and Hobbies. Examples: Pep Squad, Science, Arts, iPad Creativity (Technology), Dance, DJ Crew, Leadership and Color Guard. The program is FREE for all students 6th thru 8th grade. Students can sign-up for the After School Program by filling out an application located in the Front Office, Attendance Office or in Room 301 (CAMP FIRE Office). All applications can be turned into the Front Office.
For more information
contact the ASES Site Supervisor at:
Suzan Hussein
Camp Fire ASES Site Supervisor
(714) 873-8543