Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP)
All school districts in California are funded using the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF). The LCFF is twofold: to provide equity for all students with the basic grant and to increase or improve support for English learners, low income and foster youth students through the supplemental and concentration grants.
All districts are required to develop and create a Local Control & Accountability Plan (LCAP). Districts are required to:
Demonstrate stakeholder participation in the process.
Align district goals to the eight state priorities.
Create an action plan that meets the needs of all students, English Learners, socio-economically disadvantaged students and other at-risk student groups.
Have progress monitoring data to hold the plan accountable for student achievement and the proper use of funding.
If you are interested in participating in conversations regarding site specific decisions, please join us at our School Site Council meetings or our ELAC meetings. Please see our calendar for upcoming meeting dates.
Click here for more information regarding OUSD's Local Control & Accountability Plan.