About Us

Orange Pre-K is part of the Orange Unified School District and consists of approximately 286 students, ages infants-5 years of age. Orange Pre-K provides services for infant and preschool aged students with mild to moderate and moderate to severe disabilities which, are identified through the Special Education assessment process. Orange Pre-K services students from various attendance areas within the boundaries of the Orange Unified School District. Our classes are divided into preschool, 3 year olds (2 hours per day) and 4 year olds (3 hours per day). Our Special Education teachers teach “double session”. Each class consists of approximately 15 to 17 students, one Special Education credentialed teacher and two to three Instructional Assistants. We also have two Preschool moderate/severe autism programs specifically designed for students with autism, with approximately 10 students in each class. The division of our preschool programs allows the teacher to ensure developmental and age appropriate instruction, using research based strategies and curriculum appropriate for their age. Orange Pre-K also implements a Peer Role Model Program, in our mild to moderate classes, which consists of same aged peers from the community participating in our Special Education programs. The Peer Models serve as social, behavioral and language role models for our students with special needs.

Orange Pre-K also houses various related services necessary to meet our students’ educational needs. These services include speech and language therapy rooms, physical therapy, adaptive physical education, and occupational therapy. The ability to access the student’s related services directly on Orange Pre-K’s campus allows for continuity and collaboration in each child’s program.

Orange Pre-K also houses Orange Unified School District’s Preschool screening and assessment teams. The teams’ role includes the screening of students within our district boundary area and/or assessment in areas of suspected disability. IEP team meetings are held on Orange Pre-K’s campus following the initial assessment process. In addition, to initial IEP team meetings, annual and triennial meetings are held for those students who attend Orange Pre-K.

For many of our students and their families, their experience at Orange Pre-K is their first in public education. Our staff works collaboratively to ensure our students’ educational needs are met while creating a nurturing environment that promotes family involvement and support as they learn to navigate their student’s special education program and needs.

Mission Statement

The mission of Orange Pre-K is committed to providing learning experiences for each child in preparation for early success and school readiness.  Orange Pre-K will offer a warm and welcoming introduction to the Orange Unified School District and the public school system. We provide a strong, educated and well-trained team to implement a comprehensive program of research-based instructional methodologies for teaching pre-academic and academic skills as well as social/emotional, adaptive daily living, and vocational skills to continue the development of each child. These strategies collectively prepare our students for their future educational experiences and support achievement of their personal goals set before them.

Guided by high expectations coupled with the knowledge that all children learn at different levels and speeds, our team will provide students with a broad range of educational opportunities that will help each child learn to the best of his or her abilities.  We will strive to develop literacy skills as well as provide experiences that enrich each child's social/emotional, physical, vocational, adaptive daily living, communication, technology and creative abilities in order to become a successful 21st century learner!
Children will have a safe, wholesome, nurturing educational experience.  Children will be in a safe learning environment in which children can solve problems and express their feelings through words, art and other creative areas.  Children will be exposed to positive character lessons and experiences, used to help shape them into successful members of an ever changing society.