Attendance Information


CALL 714) 997-6178

Punctuality and regularity in attendance play an important part in the development of your child’s attitudes toward school life. Consistent attendance is necessary for success at school.

However, a sick child (vomiting, running a fever, or a contagious disease) should not be sent to school. It is necessary that a phone verification or written explanation be sent to school for each period of absence, stating the specific cause and exact dates of the absence. Also, be sure to report contagious diseases to the school health clerk. Excused absences are those resulting from personal illness, quarantine under the direction of county or city health officer, medical, dental, optometric, or chiropractic appointments, specific religious reasons, required student court appearances, or death in the immediate family. All other absences are considered unexcused.

An attendance contract for prolonged absences can be obtained from your school secretary. Please contact the school well in advance of needing a contract, so that all of the assignments your child will need can be assembled/collected.

When a child comes late to school, please stop in the front office to fill out a tardy slip. This allows your child to quickly transition into the classroom, instead of having to return to the office to get this slip. Students who are continually late to school miss valuable class instruction and create a disruption to the learning of others with a late entrance to the class. Oversleeping, waiting for rides or friends, etc., are not considered valid reasons for excused tardies.

If you are taking your child out early for the day, please stop in the office. The office staff will call the classroom for your child, and then you will sign him/her out in the book in the office. Please remember the person who checks out the child from the office must be on the emergency card.