Orange Unified EDGE - Strategic Plan 2019-2025
Strategic Plan 2019-2025
It is with great pride that I present the OUSD Strategic Plan 2019-2025, which was unanimously approved by the Board of Education on July 25, 2019. The Orange Unified EDGE is founded on the core values of Integrity, Equity, Respect, and Excellence. It provides a clear vision and coherent roadmap to guide the district in achieving its agreed upon goals and objectives over the next five years. We firmly believe that our scholars will gain the EDGE in obtaining their aspirations through our commitment to the four Focus Areas:
- Excellence in Academics and Leadership
- Dedicated and Engaged Communication
- Genuine Wellness and Safety
- Efficient Utilization of Fiscal Capital
The Board of Education expressed a desire to engage in a new strategic planning process with stakeholder engagement as an essential element to keep the school district focused on the challenges and opportunities that are most impactful on student success.
Approximately 90 stakeholders, including certificated teachers, classified employees, administrators, parent leaders, student leaders, city officials, service organization members, business and higher education partners, community members, youth non-profit organizations, Citizen Oversight Committee members, Board members, and PTA leaders, participated in a two-day collaborative workshop to share ideas provide input to the development of the 2019 OUSD Vision, Mission, Core Values, Strategic Initiatives and Graduate Profile for OUSD Students.
The roll-out of the strategic plan will commence by involving staff, students and parents in making it personal, teachable, and visible for community. Staff has established action plans, implementation timelines, and success indicators to ensure effective enactment of the plan district-wide.
Thank you to the OUSD community and Board of Education for their feedback and contributions to the creation of the plan that will shape the district’s course for the next five years.
Ernie Gonzalez
Superintendent of Schools