Booster Club Handbook

Click Here to Download Booster Club Handbook


Prospective and Continuing Program Booster Clubs,

Thank you for your support and dedication to the students, staff and programs of the Orange Unified School District. All Booster Clubs are required to submit an application for the formation of a Booster Club to the site principal for approval. We are grateful for the time, energy, and passion you bring to our schools. It is our goal to assist you in the process of applying for recognition as a booster club. All booster clubs are considered separate organizations from the Orange unified School District. Before operating on any school site, the district requires the following items from each booster club provided through their site administrator:


Required Documents

Booster Club Application,  Booster Club/Support Organization Name

2. Application and Agreement for Use of Facilities
3. Employee Identification Number (SS-4)
4. Recognition of Exemption 501 (c)(3)
5. Request for Taxpayer Identification Number (W-9)
6. Gift Form
7. Project Approval Request Form (PAR)
8 School Driver Certification Form (Request to Transport Students)
9. A copy of the Booster Club current Charter and Bylaws

To provide assistance, you may refer to the guidelines for booster clubs as outlined in the Orange Unified School District Guidelines for Booster Clubs and /or the Associated Student Body Manual & Desk Reference published by FCMAT. The FCMAT manual may be accessed at Included in the FCMAT reference are guidelines regarding organization of booster clubs, financial guidelines, solicitation regulations, site interactions, etc. Any questions or concerns can be directed to your principal or this office.

Dr. Ken Miller
Administrative Director
Community Relations and School Connectedness