Gifted and Talented Education (GATE)

MISSION: Challenging and developing the academic, social emotional and creative abilities of learners in the gifted program.

VISION: To provide student learning experiences with depth, complexity, novelty and acceleration to meet the needs of gifted and talented students. 


The Orange Unified School District offers qualitatively differentiated programs for students possessing the capacity for excellence beyond that of their chronological peers. The curriculum is differentiated to provide a variety of instructional strategies structured so that individual student experiences and activities can vary in acceleration, depth, complexity or degree of novelty. These programs are available at all levels of the District's curriculum for the purpose of challenging and developing the academic and creative abilities of identified gifted learners.

OUSD Elementary GATE Screening 

Fall Parent Information Meeting 

Recording 10-14-24

GATE screening takes place annually in February and March. Students must attend or reside in the Orange Unified School District.