Elementary Visual and Performing Arts

Orange Unified is proud to offer instruction in the arts through our Elementary Visual and Performing Arts Program. Students in both 5th and 6th grades receive two sessions of instruction each week for 45 minutes in instrumental music or the 21st Century Integrated Arts Wheel. Students taking an instrumental course learn to play a band or orchestra instrument over the course of a full year. Students in the Integrated Arts Wheel receive instruction in two arts disciplines over the course of the year - either visual art, theatre, or general music (vocal music). Sixteen highly-qualified and talented VAPA teachers provide instruction to our 27 elementary schools throughout the district.
The Elementary Visual and Performing Arts Program was restored in 2015-16 and continues to provide innovative instruction to engage students. As part of our Integrated Arts Wheel, students are participating in several pilot programs.  Students at Crescent are piloting digital art in both 5th and 6th grade.  At Panorama, La Veta, and Villa Park Elementary, 6th grade students are taking a year-long musical theatre class.  Additionally, at Handy and Jordan we have an after-school Mariachi band taught by two of our instrumental teachers.

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Meet our Elementary VAPA Teachers

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Curriculum and Instruction Department - (714) 628-5452