Information Technology
Welcome to Information Technology. Our Department delivers answers to technical challenges Orange Unified's staff and students' experience.
Our job is simple while also being complex.
1. We make the technology behave when it doesn't.
2. We maintain access to the tools staff depend on to make classroom instruction impactful.
Technology continues to contribute in countless ways to enriching education. However when it doesn't work - we are there to assist. Our primary concern is to let teachers focus on what matters most, OUSD's students and not technology.
Technical Support and Login Issues:
Staff members can call us at the Helpdesk 714-628-HELP (4357) for technical assistance.
For Student support, please have an OUSD staff member call our Helpdesk with the student present so that we can help troubleshoot technical and login issues. Conversely, students can work with their school Library Media Technician for assistance or coordinate troubleshooting with IT staff.
Christina LinExecutive Director, Technology & Student Achievement
Tam NguyenChief Technology Officer
Liz BaderExecutive Secretary I
David LaneAssistant Director, Client Services
Ramon ZavalaAssistant Director, Network & Systems
Tan NguyenNetwork Analyst Supervisor
iMan DiazClient Services Supervisor