Welcome to the Elementary Education site for Orange Unified School District. We refer to our district as a “District of Excellence”, the number of award winning schools demonstrates this. In recent years, we had nineteen elementary schools earn the Gold Ribbon Award, nine Title I Achieving Schools Award and most recently one of our elementary schools has earned both a Golden Bell Award in the arena of Technology for their one-to-one take home program as well as recognized as an Apple Distinguished School.
We also have one of the only Mandarin Dual Immersion programs in Orange County as well as Spanish Dual Immersion program. In our department, we truly strive to support programs and services that are inclusive and innovative among all of our twenty-seven schools to meet the curricular and instructional needs of our diverse student population. We expect that their elementary experience will establish the foundation for our students to be successful as they move up to the secondary level and to ultimately prepare them for their future college and/or career path.