Online Education
Online education has been a part of Orange Unified School District for over 15 years. It started with Orangelive and now has grown into credit recovery courses, summer school, and now a virtual high school. Educational Technology oversees the distribution and support of content and accounts for these programs.
Online Credit Recovery
Access APEX Courses through your Single Sign-on Dashboard
Spring 2017 Apex credit recovery classes will be open from Monday, January 30, 2017 to Friday, June 9, 2017.
All classes must be completed by Friday, June 9, 2017 for credit.
APEX Credit Recovery Requirements
The following is required for class completion:
Progress: Must complete 100% of the course
Grade percentage earned in the course by student follows the traditional grading scale for grade reporting:
A = 100-90%
B = 89%-80%
C = 79%-70%
D= 69%-60%
All tests are locked by teachers at enrollment
Ask your teacher to unlock the test when you are ready
Final assessment must be taken.
The course final exam may only be attempted three times
Between each attempt additional work must be completed/reviewed in the course
Students unsuccessful on final may be given an alternative assessment
Each Apex class is worth 5 semester credits
Classes are closed at the end of each semester and the summer session
- If coursework is not complete, student must start over in the next semester
Students are enrolled into the courses created for their school site
- ALT - Alternative Education
- CHS - Canyon High School
- CVM - Cerro Villa Middle School
- EMH - El Modena High School
- OHS - Orange High School
- RHS - Richland High School
- VPH - Villa Park High School
Students will automatically receive assignments as they are enrolled into a course
- Classes are created following the naming convention: Site - Class - Semester - Year
- For example: VPH - English 10 - S2 - SS2022
- VPH = Villa Park
- English 10 = Class
- S2 = Semester 2 of English 10
- SS2022 = Summer 2022 (semester and year of class creation)
Courses through iSchool are A-G approved. They are NOT NCAA approved.
Online Summer School
OrangeLIVE! classes provide students with opportunities to experience a technology-rich learning environment, gain graduation credits, and enroll in classes that might be otherwise unavailable.
For more information, please go to the OrangeLive! Website
Already Enrolled? Access your online class here!
Orange Unified Online Classes are housed on our PowerSchool Learning management system. To access your online course click on this link and log into your MyOUSD Dashboard with your Student ID number and OUSD provided password. Then click on the PowerSchool Learning icon.
(Learning through Interactive Virtual Education)
OrangeLIVE! classes provide students with opportunities to experience a technology-rich learning environment, gain graduation credits, and enroll in classes that might be otherwise unavailable.
Go to class anytime, anywhere via the Internet
View online electronic organizers that show you exactly what is expected in class
Complete assignments online with tools like PowerPoint, blogs, wikis, synchronous meetings with Collaborate and more
Track your progress by checking your grades online anytime you want
Interact with your classmates virtually and complete group work without having to arrange your schedules
Use online study tools that give immediate feedback so you know if you are understanding the material
Learn technology skills that you can use in other online and regular classes
Learn organization skills to help you in online classes in the future
Optional OrangeLIVE Student Orientation
These meetings are optional and are designed to help first-time online students to feel comfortable in the online class format.
August 9, 2022 from 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
August 9, 2022 from 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Use this Google Meets Link to join.
Mandatory Meet and Greet for all OrangeLIVE students:
Thursday, August 25, 2022
6:00 PM
Your OrangeLive teacher will send you a link.
OrangeLIVE Parent Meeting
Parent meetings are optional and designed to help parents of first-time online students to feel comfortable in the online class format.
August 11, 2022 from 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
Use this Google Meets Link to join