Bus Regulations
Rules to follow
Because the behavior of school bus passengers can directly affect their safety and the safety of others, the following regulations apply at all times when pupils are riding a school bus. School personnel, parents, or guardians and pupils must follow these regulations.
In accordance with CCR #14103, pupils transported in a school bus or in a pupil-activity bus shall be under the authority of and responsible directly to the driver of the bus.
Specific rules to follow:
1. Follow the instructions of the bus driver. Bus drivers are authorized to assign seats, assign three pupils to a seat, assign seat mates, and other actions needed for the safe passage of pupils.
2. Arrive at the bus stop at least five, but not more than ten minutes, before the school bus is due. Whenever possible, pupils shall walk to and from the school bus stop in groups. Behave in an orderly manner at the bus stop.
3. As the school bus arrives, form a line and stand at least six feet back from the curb. Do not move toward the school bus until it has come to a complete stop and the door is open.
4. Use only the designated school bus stop and the school bus assigned to you. Any changes require daily parental permission including the principal's approval.
5. When you board the school bus, display your bus pass to the bus driver. Do not use a bus pass that has expired. Use only your own bus pass.
6. All electronic signaling devices, including cell phones shall be set to silent or vibrate upon entering the school bus. Use while on the bus is limited to purposes related to the health and safety of the pupil.
7. Aboard the school bus, find a seat quickly and remain seated at all times, facing forward. If the school bus is equipped with seat belts, pupils must buckle up.
8. Talk quietly. Do not shout, yell, use profane language or gestures, or behave in a boisterous manner. Do not engage in unnecessary conversation with the bus driver.
9. Keep all body parts inside of the school bus. Do not spit or throw anything inside or out of the school bus.
10. Do not eat, drink, or chew gum.
11. Do not bring animals (except registered service dogs), glass objects, skates, and skateboards, large, bulky, or hazardous articles on the school bus. Do not use any writing instruments while on the bus.
12. Do not litter at school bus stops or in the school bus. Do not engage in vandalism, destruction of property, or graffiti. Costs will be billed to the guilty pupils and their parents.
13. Shoes must be worn at all times. No cleats are allowed.
14. Do not play or tamper with any part of the school bus.
15. Remain quiet as the school bus stops and while it is crossing railroad tracks.
16. Do not possess or use tobacco, drugs, or alcohol.
17. Do not bring weapons of any type.
18. Observe safety procedures and follow them at all times.
19. When exiting the school bus, always use the handrail and follow the bus driver's instructions. If you live on the opposite side of the street, always cross in front of the school bus. Pupils must always be alert for traffic when leaving the school bus.
20. Pupils shall be aware of the "Danger Zones" surrounding the school bus. These zones include twelve (12) feet around the school bus with the most dangerous zones being directly in front of the bus and by the passenger side rear tires.
21. Go directly home after getting off the bus. Do not talk to strangers and do not accept rides from strangers.
Remember: For the safety of everyone aboard, the bus driver must devote full attention to the road. The safety of the whole group depends upon the proper, safe conduct of each individual. Pupils are responsible for safekeeping, controlling, and presenting their passes. For added security, District video/audio equipment may be used on school buses.
Note: Regulations and safety information, including the loading and unloading of pupils from school buses, are provided for all pupils in the Student Handbook which is updated and distributed each school year. Changes and updates in these regulations will be made as determined necessary.