We Are OUSD - Bsuiness Services

The Business Services Division is comprised of all District activities that support the education of students, which include Fiscal Services, Transportation, Nutrition Services, Purchasing, and Risk Management.  The Division must focus on the efficient utilization of Fiscal capital for the district to operate efficiently and effectively with the limited resources available to meet the organization's educational goals and operational needs.


Sulema Holguin
Picture of Orange Unified Logo
Business Services Business Services
Sulema Holguin
Assistant Superintendent/CBO
Email: sholguin@orangeusd.org

Meghna  Bulsara
Executive Director
Email: mbulsara@orangeusd.org

Phone: 714 628-4479
FAX: 714 628-4046

Phone: 714 628-4479
FAX: 714 628-4046

Budget Updates

Budget Presentations


Budget Reports

Budget & Financial Reports

Education Protection Account

Education Protection Account


Audit Reports
