How Can I Help My Child?

1. Help your child start each school day right. Children need to be well-rested. Children in kindergarten and first grade usually need 10 – 12 hours of sleep each night. Children learn better when they are well nourished. Allow time for breakfast and provide a healthy snack for recess.

2. Dress your child appropriately for the weather. Listen to the weather report in the morning before school. Choose appropriate outdoor clothing. Dress your child in layers if there’s a possibility that the weather will change.

3. Make sure your child has all necessary materials for the school day. Your child should come to school each day with a backpack that can hold a homework folder and take home folder.

4. Choose clothing that’s simple, safe, sturdy and comfortable. Children will be participating in active play and need garments that allow for movement. Students must wear shoes with closed toes to protect their feet and allow for participation in running, jumping, and playing on the playground. Shoes should also have low heels and back straps.

5. Label all garments, backpacks, and lunch boxes clearly with your child’s name. If your child is missing something, please contact your classroom teacher.

6. If your child is buying lunch, please place the money in a lunch envelope in the office. If you can not come in yourself, please put the money in an envelope in your child’s backpack with his/her name and student ID number.

7. Show your interest in what happens each day at school. Ask your child what they did at school and to share something they learned. Homework is a great jumping off point for this conversation.

8. Have a definite time for meals, rest, play, homework, and bedtime. Try to make sure that your child gets enough sleep, eats the right kind of food, gets to school on time, and stays healthy. All these activities help a child do as well in school as they can.

9. Become an active member of the school. Join Crescent's PTA; attend Back-to-School Night, Open House, and other kindergarten and Panorama activities. Volunteer to help in your child’s classroom or to help at home if you cannot come in during the school day. Contact your child’s teacher or principal if you have questions or concerns.