Language Arts:
Reading textbook: McGraw-Hill Wonders! (student sign-in
Read alouds (Big Books), guided reading (leveled readers), and independent reading activities (SRA, decodable text, library books)
Emphasis on phonemic awareness (hear, identify, and manipulate phonemes/sounds), phonics (associating letters with sounds), reading strategies (decoding, monitoring, clarifying, predicting, etc.), and comprehension (cause and effect, sequencing, main idea, details, etc.)
Reading Counts: leveled readers with computerized quizzes based on each student’s lexile level as determined by the Scholastic Reading Inventory (Most students will check out Beginning Reader books and receive assistance with reading the Reading Counts quizzes in the computer lab during the third quarter.)
Writing framework: Write from the Beginning
Teacher writing, guided writing, and independent journal writing
Writing process: prewriting/brainstorming, drafting, revising, editing, and sharing
Spelling: Spelling patterns and phonics rules, Conventional spelling of high frequency words, Beginning proofreading for accuracy in writing, Printing program (Kindergarten): Handwriting Without Tears
Mathematics textbook: enVision Math (Pearson-Scott Foresman)
Manipulatives used to teach and model concepts
Guided and independent practice provided for all concepts
Science textbook: Scott Foresman California Science (
Hands-on science investigations
Life, physical and earth sciences
Social Studies
Social Studies textbook: Harcourt Reflections (
Physical Education
Varies by grade level: Warm-up activities, sports skills instruction, playground rules, and sportsmanship