iInspire Academy
California iInspire Academy is an innovative and premier one-to-one iPad program that seamlessly infuses 21st century learning and technology into the curriculum. We are an Apple Distinguished School, Golden Bell Recipient, Gold Ribbon School, Title I Achieving School, and ERP "Top 10 look-a-like school" and three time Apple Distinguished School Reciepient.
About the 24/7 Take Home Program
The 24/7 Take Home program involves students in grades TK-6 taking their iPads to and from school. We successfully piloted in the 5th grade during the 2015-2016 school year and the results indicated a 0% loss rate and a 0% damage rate. In addition, student achievement results indicated an increase in student learning.
The OUSD Board of Education approved to expand the pilot to all grade levels and allow other schools to follow in our footsteps. Parents will sign a user agreement for students to take home their iPads.
The purpose of the 24/7 Take Home program is to extend the learning time of students to maximize student learning, increase their background knowledge on concepts prior to teachers teaching them, and to level to technology gap that exists in our community to prepare our students for 21st century jobs.
Current Policies:
Homework will be dramatically enhanced as teachers learn to implement a Flipped Classroom lesson delivery. This involved utilizing multimedia (video, pictures, digital text, and/or auditory files) to introduce concepts at home prior to learning them in class. The advantage of this is prior exposure to Academic Vocabulary and a customized learning pathway for all students. Below are the recommended homework times Monday- Thursday.
- 10 min iReady Reading
- 10 min Reading (Raz Kids, Overdrive, Epic!, or paper book)
- 10 min Teacher Directed (Encouraged to introduce media content)
- iReady Reading, Math, and Spanish(for Dual Immersion Only)
- 15 min Reading (Overdrive, Epic!, or paper book)
- 15 min Teacher Directed (Encouraged to introduce media content)
Internet Access
- Students may access the internet to complete homework with our extended after school Library Hours until 3:00 PM.
- Students in the After School Program (Campfire) will be able to access the internet after school to complete homework.
- There is free Community Access Points at places like the Orange Library, McDonalds, Starbucks. Parents are always encouraged to accompany students to public Access Points and the school does not have assume liability for visiting these locations
- If you require a non-internet option, please contact your student's teacher.
Prior to students taking the iPads home, parents must complete the following:
- Parents must complete the paperwork (OUSD 1:1 Take Home Agreement for each child & Alternative Income Form)
- Parents must open a free Parent Portal Account
- Parents must complete the Data Conformation process in the Parent Portal
- No outstanding fines
Please contact our office for details or assistance.
- Voluntarily charge the iPad on a daily basis (needs to be charged before entering class for the day)
- Do not use iPad outside the classroom unless approved by your teacher
- Do not try to bypass security features
- Safely transport it to and from school
- Do not leave unattended
- Safely place in backpack with hard cover
- Use the iPad appropriately as their learning tool
- Do not let anyone else use it
- Report loss, damage, theft immediately to school
- Leave your charger at home and return it in the same condition as you borrowed it
- Return the iPad in the same condition as you borrowed it
- Provide a voluntary charging area
- Ensure student brings device to school (charged) daily
- Leave charger at home until returned
- Monitor use at home
- Utilize Guided Access if your student is having a hard time focusing to complete their homework. Your child's teacher or our front office can assist you in setting it up.
- Treat the device as your student’s learning tool. Do not let anyone else use it.
- Report loss, damage, theft immediately to school
- Monitor that the charger stays at home and is returned in the same condition as your student borrowed it
- Return the iPad in the same condition as you borrowed it or pay for the replacement costs listed below
Financial Responsibility
Like a lost, stolen, or damaged textbook or musical instrument parents are financially responsible for a damaged, lost or stolen iPad.
Below are the reimbursement costs:
- Replace a lost or stolen charger $25
- Replace a cracked screen $150
- Replace a lost, stolen, or non-functioning iPad due to damage $330
- Replace a lost, stolen, or broken hard plastic cover $40
If after reading through the Frequent Question sheet and this site and you still have questions, please feel free to contact your student's teacher or our office.
iPad 24/7 School Policies
iPad 24/7 School Policies
Habitual Failure to Bring their Learning Tool (iPad) to School
- 1st and 2nd Occurrence: Class Dojo message from teacher, call home by office staff to bring iPad to school.
- 3rd Occurrence: Call home by office staff, Class Dojo home by teacher; loss of Take Home privilege for one month.
When student earns iPad take-home back, if there is another failure to bring, the time without take-home will increase and possibly be taken away for the remainder of the year.
Class misuse of iPad minor incident
Not following minor safety procedures ie. not carrying iPad safely, putting passcode on iPad, not storing device properly, bringing it out at recess, storing liquid in backpack with the iPad, etc. writing on the cover/ putting stickers on it, creating unauthorized screen savers)
- 1st Occurrence: Warning or Class Consequence per Teacher Discretion
- 2nd Occurrence: Contact home by teacher, Class Consequence per Teacher Discretion
- 3rd Occurrence: Call home by teacher, Class Consequence per Teacher Discretion; loss of Take Home privilege for one week
- 4th+ Occurrence: Referral to the office; Call home by teacher; Class Consequence per Administration Discretion; Call home and/or meeting by administration; loss of Take Home privilege per admin descretion; Loss of school use of the iPad except mandatory Guided Access for Essential Learning Apps (Lexia, FASST Math, Envision Learning Bridge, Starfall, Teach me Kinder, Interim Assessments, local assessments that require computer access )
Please note that if the minor incident results in a financial loss to the device the student and family are financially responsible.
* While all iPads have been installed with secure software designed to limit access to unauthorized website that have been tested, no measure may be foolproof.
Misuse of iPad major incident
Searching or attempting to search inappropriate content on the internet, not following major safety procedures [throwing the device, maliciously hitting another student with their backpack while the iPad is inside, kicking the backpack when the iPad is inside, etc., trying to bypass the security filters by jailbreaking the iPad or utilizing proxy servers). The iPad is issued for the appropriate educational use of the student assigned to the iPad only. The student is accountable for all content searched and/or installed on the iPad.
1st Occurrence: Referral to the office; Call home by teacher; Class Consequence per Administration Discretion; Call home and/or meeting by administration; loss of Take Home privilege for one month; Loss of school use of the iPad except mandatory Guided Access for Essential Learning Apps (iReady, FASST Math, Saavas Learning Bridge(Envision), Starfall, Teach me Kinder, Interim Assessments, local assessments that require computer access)
2nd Occurrence: Referral to the office, Call home by teacher; Class Consequence per Administration Discretion; Call home and/or meeting by administration; loss of Take Home privilege for the remainder of the year
Please note that if the major incident results in a financial loss to the device the student and family are financially responsible.
* While all iPads have been installed with secure software designed to limit access to unauthorized website that have been tested, no measure may be foolproof.
Failure to Recharge the Device
All students are checked out iPad chargers for their use only. While the cost to charge the device is extremely nominal, we also provide free charging stations in class to provide a free and appropriate education. The advantage to charging at home is that there will be less downtime in class. If a student chooses to charge their device in class, please contact the teacher. For upper grade students (grades 3-6) choosing to charge their device at school, it is the student's responsibility to charge the device at recess and lunch. Failure to charge the device at the free charging stations during break and/or lunch may result in disciplinary consequences.
iInspire Academy Teachers
Teacher Background
California iInspire Academy is an Apple Distinguished School. This is a teacher application based one-to-one iPad program exclusive to California iInspire Academy in the Orange Unified School District. The one-to one take home iPad program started October 2014, and we earned our first honor of Apple Distinguished School in 2016. Teachers at the school earned their Apple Teacher Certificate, and in turn, received:
* A class set of iPads equal to the number of students in their class (grades TK-6)
* A teacher iPad for instructional use
*A teacher Macbook for instructional use
* An Apple TV for their classroom instructional use to display multimedia teacher and student presentations and multimedia source information
* Extensive professional development support and coaching to integrate technology seamlessly into their classrooms to meet the high demands of 21st century learning