School Uniform and Dress Code
School Uniform
To promote a positive school learning environment California Elementary is a school uniform school. Below is a link to our school policy including colors and permissible clothing.
If you are in need of financial assistance please contact our office and inquire about Operation School Bell through the Assistance League of Orange.
Every Wednesday students may wear attire of their favorite college/university. It is our aim that this will initiate conversations about colleges with each other and our staff.
Spirit Days
Throughout the school year we will have various spirit days linked to themes. Students are encouraged to dress in spirit gear. Some examples of past Spirit Days include: Crazy Hair Day, Crazy Socks Day, Sports Day, Hawaiian Day, etc.. Please see our school calendar for the dates. In addition, every Friday is California Elementary School Spirit Wear Day, in which students may wear California Elementary School spirit shirts. Please contact the school office regarding California Elementary Spirit Wear.
Free Dress Day
Classes are given the opportunity to earn Free Dress Days in which they may not wear their school uniform and wear clothes that are appropriate for school. Classes earn Free Dress for spelling secret phrases in which they earn a letter at time when their class has perfect attendance. When a class has earned Free Dress the teacher communicates this directly to the parents.