October 2024 Employees of the Month - Congratulations to Susan Kissee and Matthew Montoya

Congratulations to the recipients of the “YOU’VE GOT THE EDGE” award for October 2024!  Susan Kissee, Teacher at Parkside Alternative Education Centers, and Matthew Montoya, Child Care Lead Teacher at Fletcher Academy CARES, our OUSD Employees of the Month for October 2024.

Both Susan and Matthew go above and beyond to serve the staff and students of the Orange Unified School District in ways that reflect the core values of OUSD’s EDGE.

Parkside Education Center Principal Julie Lucas had this to say about Susan:

“Susan spends countless hours preparing for the success of her Home School Students. She creates trusting and productive relationships with families and ensures they feel heard and supported. She has been the teacher for the Home School Program since its inception and has promoted it, worked to improve it, and has done it justice! She is truly the heart of the soul of the program and is the epitome of what makes Parkside so special. Ms. Kissee truly loves her job, and it shows every day in all her interactions. We are proud to have her part of the Titan family!”

Jaime Beidler, Coordinator of Expanded Learning, shared the following about Matthew: 

“Over the past five years, Matthew has demonstrated remarkable personal and professional growth, fully embracing the values of our program. His commitment to integrity and ethical practices shines through in every interaction with staff, students, and families. Matthew’s dedication to promoting equity within his curriculum and his overall approach to his work is truly inspiring. Matthew embodies the qualities of a caring, innovative, and trustworthy individual, and we are incredibly fortunate to have him in the Expanded Learning Department.”

Congratulations again to Susan and Matthew, and thank you both for your dedication to the students of the Orange Unified School District.



Los destinatarios del premio "TIENES LA VENTAJA" de octubre de 2024 son Susan Kissee, maestra de Parkside Education Center, y Matthew Montoya, maestro principal de cuidado infantil en Fletcher Academy CARES. Empleados del mes de OUSD para octobre de 2024.

La directora de Parkside Education Center, Julie Lucas, dijo lo siguiente sobre Susan:

“Susan dedica incontables horas a preparar a sus alumnos para el éxito. Crea relaciones de confianza y productivas con las familias y se asegura de que se sientan escuchados y apoyados. Ha sido la maestra del programa de educación en el hogar desde sus inicios y lo ha promovido, trabajado para mejorarlo y le ha hecho justicia. Ella es verdaderamente el corazón del alma del programa y es el epítome de lo que hace que Parkside sea tan especial. La Sra. Kissee realmente ama su trabajo y eso se nota todos los días en todas sus interacciones. ¡Estamos orgullosos de que sea parte de la familia Titan!”

Jaime Beidler, Coordinadora de Aprendizaje Expandido, compartió lo siguiente sobre Matthew:

“En los últimos cinco años, Matthew ha demostrado un notable crecimiento personal y profesional, adoptando plenamente los valores de nuestro programa. Su compromiso con la integridad y las prácticas éticas se refleja en cada interacción que tiene con el personal, los estudiantes y las familias. La dedicación de Matthew a la promoción de la equidad dentro de su plan de estudios y su enfoque general de su trabajo es verdaderamente inspirador. Matthew encarna las cualidades de una persona solidaria, innovadora y confiable, y somos increíblemente afortunados de tenerlo en el Departamento de Aprendizaje Ampliado”.

Felicitaciones nuevamente a Susan y Matthew y gracias a ambos por su dedicación y devoción a los estudiantes del Distrito Escolar Unificado de Orange.


The Orange Unified School District educates approximately 26,000 PreK-12th grade students in the Cities of Orange, Villa Park, Anaheim, Garden Grove, Santa Ana, and unincorporated county areas.  In partnership with our community, we provide a safe, equitable, and innovative culture of learning for each scholar to have a competitive EDGE as a leader.