Orange Unified School District Board of Trustees Swear In Newly-Elected Members and Sets Meeting Calendar For 2021 December 17, 2020
OC Sports Zone: Quick facts about the new Fred Kelly Stadium, home of four district athletic programs (opens in new window/tab) October 23, 2020
Celebrating Fred Kelly Stadium’s Virtual Grand Opening and Orange High School’s Measure S STEM Complex! October 21, 2020
Orange Unified Resident Taxpayers Saved $18.0 Million Since 2017-18 | Los Contribuyentes Residentes del Orange Unified Ahorraron $18.0 Millones Desde 2017-18 October 20, 2020
High Schools Begin Phase 2 On-Campus Learning and the iLead Program Wins a Golden Bell Award October 14, 2020
Message from Superintendent Hansen - Secondary Schools Transition to Phase 2 and COVID-19 Dashboard Launched October 9, 2020
Message from Superintendent Hansen - Our Return to On-Campus Learning and PTA Reflections Art Program October 2, 2020
Message from Superintendent Hansen - Phase 2 Update: Elementary Schools to Welcome Students Back Starting Monday September 25, 2020
Reminder: Orange Unified Board of Trustees Special Meeting/Virtual Study Session will be on held on September 24, 2020 September 21, 2020
Message from Superintendent Hansen - – Plans and Dates for Phase 2 On-Campus Instruction | Planes y Fechas La Fase 2 Instrucción en Escuela September 16, 2020
National Merit Scholar Semifinalists Announced | Se Anuncian Los Semifinalistas del Premio Nacional al Mérito September 14, 2020
Message from Superintendent Hansen - Updates Regarding Orange County’s Tier Ranking and Our Phase 2 Plan September 2, 2020
Orange County Business Journal - BACK TO SCHOOL: HOW EDUCATORS PUSH THROUGH PANDEMIC NOISE (opens in new window/tab) September 1, 2020
State releases new color-coded county monitoring system, replacing the COVID-19 watchlist | El estado lanza un nuevo sistema de monitoreo del condado codificado por colores, que reemplaza la lista de vigilancia COVID-19 August 28, 2020
Message from Superintendent Hansen - COVID-19 Watch List Update | Actualización de la Lista de Vigilancia de COVID-19 August 25, 2020
Message from Superintendent Hansen - Welcome to the New School Year! | ¡Bienvenidos al Nuevo Año Escolar! August 18, 2020
Update Regarding the Board of Education | Actualización sobre el Consejo Directivo de Educación August 5, 2020
Updated CDPH Guidance Regarding Youth Sports | Guía actualizada de CDPH sobre deportes juveniles August 4, 2020
Important Message to the Community Regarding the 2020-2021 School Year | Mensaje importante a la comunidad sobre el año escolar 2020-2021 July 29, 2020
Re-imagining Schools 2020-2021 Board of Education Presentation and Discussion: July 23, 2020 July 27, 2020
Message from Superintendent Hansen - Re-imagining Schools/Safety & Health-Driven Reopening Plan July 24, 2020
Orange Unified Board of Education Approves Reimagining Schools/Safety & Health-Driven Reopening Plan July 24, 2020
Update on Orange Unified Summer Athletic Programs | Actualización sobre los Programas Atléticos de Verano de Orange Unified July 7, 2020
OCDE Newsroom: ‘Orange County Together’ guide provides recommendations for safely reopening local schools (opens in new window/tab) June 19, 2020
OC Register: Orange (Unified) high school graduates take victory lap... (opens in new window/tab) June 14, 2020
Reimagining Schools Task Force Update | Reinventado la Fuerza de Trabajo de las Escuelas June 7, 2020
Mensaje del Superintendente: Reimaginando las Escuelas de OUSD a Medida que Reabrimos Para Los Estudiantes. May 22, 2020
McPherson Magnet Achieves Project Lead the Way Distinguished School Status for their STEM Program May 19, 2020
Orange Unified’s Crescent Elementary Robotics Team Scores at VEX Virtual World Competition May 12, 2020
All Four Orange Unified School District Comprehensive High Schools Identified as “Best” in Nation by U.S. News & World Report May 8, 2020
Message from Superintendent Hansen, including latest updates for upcoming school year, interim grading, and other distance learning policies. April 30, 2020
Board of Trustees Holds First Virtual Meeting Using Microsoft Teams | La Junta de Fideicomisarios Lleva a Cabo su Primera Reunión Virtual Usando Microsoft Teams April 24, 2020
(Video) Orange Unified's COVID-19 Response Efforts | Esfuerzos de respuesta COVID-19 de Orange Unified April 16, 2020
Governor Newsom Outlines Six Critical Indicators the State will Consider Before Modifying the Stay-at-Home Order and Other COVID-19 Interventions (opens in new window/tab) April 14, 2020
Updated Grading Policy & Class of 2020 Information | Política actualizada de calificaciones e información de la clase de 2020 April 14, 2020
Message from Superintendent Hansen, including information about changes to grading policies and information for the Class of 2020. April 10, 2020
Community Partners Help Provide Food for Students in Need | Los socios comunitarios ayudan a proporcionar alimentos a los estudiantes en necesidad April 9, 2020
Families are Encouraged to Create Family Pandemic Plans | Se Alienta a las Familias a Hacer Planes de Pandemia Familiares April 6, 2020
A message from Superintendent Hansen addressing Governor Newsom's announcement yesterday. April 2, 2020
REMINDER: Please don't forget to respond to the 2020 Census! | RECORDATORIO: ¡No olvide responder al Censo 2020! March 28, 2020
Food options during Spring Break | Opciones de comida durante las vacaciones de primavera March 26, 2020
Orange Unified Trustees Vote to Extend School Closure Window | Fideicomisarios de Orange Unified Votan Para Extender La Ventana de Tiempo de Cierre de la Escuela March 24, 2020
County Superintendent Mijares issues statement in support of districts extending student dismissals March 20, 2020
3/20/20 - Updated Message from the Superintendent | Mensaje actualizado de la Superintendente March 20, 2020
Answers to Common Questions Regarding the District’s Walnut Site, the Gregory Palm Farm, and the Jones Victorian Estate March 11, 2020
Message from the Superintendent Coronavirus Update and Health Guidelines: March 5, 2020 (opens in new window/tab) March 5, 2020
Mensaje del Superintendente COVID-19 Actualización y guías de salud: 5 de marzo de 2020 (opens in new window/tab) March 5, 2020
State Superintendent Recognizes Richland High School with Second Consecutive Model Continuation High School Title February 27, 2020
O.C. Register: Orange Unified's Science Centers Will Open Next School Year at High Schools (opens in new window/tab) February 25, 2020
Orange High School Early College Academy Information Night: Feb. 12, 2020 at 6:30 PM February 11, 2020
People Magazine: Justin Long Hosts Disney+ Carpentry Competition Series Shop Class: 'I Was Genuinely Blown Away' (featuring Santiago Charter Middle School) (opens in new window/tab) February 7, 2020
Spyder 3D Feature: Fox's Fantastic Figures at Crescent Elementary (opens in new window/tab) February 6, 2020
Crescent Elementary Robotics Teams Score at Southern California Regional Competitions January 30, 2020
A Message from Superintendent Hansen Regarding 2019 Novel Coronavirus (opens in new window/tab) January 27, 2020
OCDE Newsroom: Coronavirus update: Case is confirmed in OC, but transmission risk is considered low (opens in new window/tab) January 27, 2020